Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Smart Boys!

A couple days ago, both of the boys did something that made me think, "Wow, he is really smart and knows how to think out of the box!"
At dinner last night we were having some pasta.  Colby is getting good at using his spoon to feed himself, but still having trouble getting food on it.  I could tell he was getting frustrated and put down his spoon.  He then put his fingers in his pasta.  I thought "Okay he is tired of trying".  Then he picked up some pasta, put it on his spoon, picked up his spoon, and ate it.  Colby had a big smile on his face, and I could tell he was proud.  And so was I.
Later that night while in the bath, Brayden apparently got an itchy nose.  His hands were covered in soap.  It didn't even look like he had to think about what to do.  He used his toes to pick up his washcloth.  Then he raised his leg to wipe his nose with the washcloth.  He then put the washcloth back down and proceeded to wash himself, as if this was normal.  Was I proud this time?  Yes maybe of the brainpower that went into it, not so much the toe power.
On other note, both of the boys have been impressing me lately.  One night at dinner Brayden randomly started counting in spanish.  He made it up to 6.  Then later when I said a bowl was red.  He said " no Momma, it is rojo".  I then questioned him about some other colors and he knew several more.  Colby is getting very good at communicating with us.  He will sign more and say "cup"  or point to what he wants more of.  He is always saying "this" and "that".  When we went for icecream the other day we had to wait in line.  Everytime someone passed by with their icecream he would point and say "this", then he would sign more.  He was very excited and never cried the whole time we waited.  It is an awesome time when babies start to understand.
By the way, have I told you all how much I love my boys!


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