An Exciting Weekend!
We just had an awesome and tiring weekend! Not only did we start renovation on the house but my brother, Jeff, and his wife, Teresa, came to visit from Oklahoma. We have not seen Jeff since our wedding, 7 years ago, and Teresa even longer. It was great to visit with them and now Brayden has officially met all of his aunts and uncles. They even helped with the house while they were on their vacation. The Edwards also helped us out and Nathan even tore down some wallpaper. Curtis has been working hard on the house and with all the family and friends helping things will get done even faster. Curtis just keeps telling me that he will sleep in 2 weeks after we move in!
Uncle Jeff, Aunt Teresa, and Brayden!
Curtis and Brad started ripping up the carpet. It is weird but all the concrete is painted red. I guess they use to use paint as a sealer.
I will keep posting updates as time allows. Also there will be a post from Curtis' trip to Michigan when he has time. Hopefully he can do it before Christmas!
I cannot believe how dirty those curtains were!!! That's just wrong! How exciting to see you in your new house! Can't wait to see it in person!
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