Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cute Brayden Sayings!

Okay, so I am copying my sister Cheri's blog. She just did a posting of Andrew's cute sayings, which are adorable. Just remember Cheri that copying is the best form of flattery, or something like that.

So anyway, Brayden has been saying and doing the cutest things lately, so I thought that I would share some of them with you. I really can't believe his verbal and communication skills, or the fact that he is almost 2.

1. This morning we were cleaning the couch and Brayden found a fishy cracker, who knows how old it was. I asked him to throw it away. He proceeded to run to the trash can and then was gone a little bit too long. I went looking for him and found him in the pantry area by the trash can. I asked him if he threw it away and he said yes and started to look in the trash can for it. I asked where it was and he looked at me, opened his mouth, and pointed into it. I asked him if he ate it and he said no, yes, yes. Well he hasn't gotten sick yet.

2. The other day I was making dinner and Brayden was in his room playing. He started saying help so I went down to his room. When I got there he looked at me, waved his hand signaling for me to leave, and said I'm fine.

3. On Tuesday we were in the office and Brayden went in the closet and found his Easter basket. He got very excited and yelled Bunny Cookies, which is what was in his Easter eggs, and then went running into the living room. When he came back asking for the bunny cookies I had to break the news that the Easter bunny only comes once a year, not every time you find your basket. But that would be nice.

4. I believe this is Brayden's first joke. We were eating dinner and I asked him what we were having and he said elephant. I said ewww, and he replied giraffe. We went through a few more animals and a dinosaur and then he said moo moo. You can imagine his disgust when I said yes that is what we are eating. How do you explain to a 1 year old that you can eat a cow, but not an elephant?

5. Brayden is learning to share and for the most part he does a good job. If somebody is doing something he will say Brayden's turn, or Momma's turn. Or if he wants something he will say Brayden too. It is very cute and great for him to learn but sometimes Momma doesn't want a turn or to go too. Like using his toothbrush or eating his carrot, yuck. But I am a good mom and take a little bite of carrot to set a good example, but yuck.

I'll post some new pictures soon!


At 11:19 PM, Blogger Stacey Bailey said...

Brayden is so cute! We really enjoyed visiting with all of you this weekend. Josephine had a really fun time with her cousin. hope to see you soon!! oh and it was hard to keep the secret for the few hours we had to!! j/k


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