Ivy, Junipers, and Daisies
If you want plants that will never leave and will never let you forget them plant some ivy, junipers, or daisies. We had the junipers cut down. Then we dug up the trunks and we thought most of the roots. Well a couple weeks ago we decided to reseed our lawn and look what we found. They were dead roots, but they were all tangled up and some were over 12 feet long.
The ivy and the daisies we keep killing and ripping out. But they continue to come back again and again. The daisies are growing in the middle of our lawn, which was a weird placed planter before. At least the daisies are pretty!
On a brighter note, we are loving having our yards. We spent several hours in the backyard this morning. We picked the first batch of loquats off of our tree. We have been eating them off the tree in the evenings and they are pretty good. Brayden loves them!
I have never had one but they look yummy!
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