Friday, July 11, 2008

Polka Dots and My Special Gifts!

A couple weeks ago Brayden had Roseola. It was a hard week for all of us. My poor baby had a very high fever and then got the rash. The rash didn't bother him but he was very cranky, not eating, and exhausted. But now he says polka dot very cutely.
For my birthday Curtis got me a different kind of gift. I got my nose pierced. He told me about it a few days before I went. My friend Angie, who has her nose pierced, took me out to lunch and then to the tattoo parlor. We had a lot of fun and I was glad she was there with me. It's been over a month now and I still like it, which is good news.

You can't see it in the above picture so I will have to post a picture when I get a good one.


At 4:26 PM, Blogger NerdMom said...

I knew that she was taking you out to lunch but I didn't know you were getting pierced. Crazy girl!;)


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