Happy 10 Months Colby!
Today Colby is 10 months old. I can't believe he is almost a year old. He is now 30 inches and 23 lbs, 12 ozs. He loves to move, be outside, and play peek-a-boo. Colby can walk holding onto just one of our hands, but he really wants to hold both of them. He is starting to talk. He can say up, hot, out, this, mama, dada, and bubba. He loves to copy what we say, and is starting to copy his brother too. I love his smile and can't get enough of his laugh!
The last time we went to the beach, Colby loved it. I though we could let him crawl in the sand, but all he wanted to do was sit there and play in the mud. Oh, and eat the mud. He loves being outside. Now whenever we say outside, he says "out", and starts crawling at full speed for the door. No matter why he is cranky, outside always make him happy.
I think this picture is funny. Its a great picture of Colby, and the football player in the background. Colby is getting to the age where it is hard to take pictures of him. Every time I get the camera out he wants to play with it, instead of me taking his picture.
Colby has always loved the bath, but lately he has gotten into splashing. He will splash as hard as he can. Brayden and him always have a great time in the tub.
Curtis says cut the mohawk. I refuse. Anybody eles have an opinion? How could I cut his hair? He is so cute!