Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Sweet Boy!

Brayden is silly, but also sweet.  In the past couple days he has told me some of the sweetest things.

We were talking about a new reward system we are starting, which includes him getting MnMs. 
B- I will like you if I get 10 MnMs.
M- Will you still like me if you get 0 MnMs?
B-  Momma, I love you more than MnMs!
It was a silly statement, but I felt so loved.

The next day Brayden was watching TV.  I came and sat next to him on the floor.  He leaned over, gave me a big hug, and said "  I want to be with you all day and night long.  I love you Momma Pie!" 

Brayden is such a sweetie!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


We had a great Christmas.  Within 2 weeks, all of our California family came to visit.  It was busy, but awesome! 

It was great to be home Christmas morning.  Brayden was totally excited that Santa came.  He could not wait to look in his stocking.  We all climbed into our bed to open our stockings.  Then we sat under our tree and opened gifts.  It was awesome to be together as a family. I loved making all these special memories and starting our own family traditions.  I've always loved Christmas, but I love it even more now that I have my boys to share it with.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Brayden the Crack Up!

Brayden says the funniest things. He constantly has me laughing! Here are a few of my favorites.

Today it was raining and Curtis called to say he saw a rainbow. The 3 of us rushed outside and looked all over, but we couldn't find it. We were in the backyard and Brayden saw a bird on the telephone wires over our back fence. He said " Excuse me birdy. I was wondering if you see the rainbow can you please tell us where it is." Then he stared at the bird, waiting for a reply. How could the bird not reply, he was so polite.

When he gets frustrated he says " How Exasperating!" A quote from Donald Duck.

I was singing a song and Brayden said " I know a song and it cracks me up all day and night long." Then started to sing a song he had just made up, laughing the whole time.

Often he will be talking and say " I was like...." Something I say which drives myself crazy.

He will call Colby, son. Because that is what Daddy does. He understands that Colby is not his son, but it slips out anyway.

I love to listen to him explain things to Colby, especially why Colby can't play with his toys.

I love the next picture.  Colby is really getting into wrestling with Brayden and Curtis.  Any time Curtis sits on the ground both of the boys come running.  Luckily he loves it!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Preparing For Christmas!

December was a busy, but fun, month. We had a great time getting our tree, decorating the house, making presents, and baking Christmas treats. It was awesome to enjoy Colby's first Christmas and our first Christmas as a family of four. We made a lot of special memories and I took tons of pictures. Here are a few of the best ones.

Zoo Lights!

Sorry this posting looks weird and took a long time.  The new editing system was giving me a lot of problems.  Hopefully I can figure it out soon because I have a lot more pictures to share.
By the way, the above picture is our first fire in our house.  Not in our fireplace, but our indoor grill.  We enjoyed it while we worked on Christmas presents in the dining room.